Swimming Against the Stream

Posts tagged “Punk Rock

How We Got Here

Fall Of Berlin Reichstag Flag

The raising of the Soviet flag over the Reichstag during the Fall of Berlin at the end of World War Two in 1945. The official beginning of our Era.

Okay it’s Time to get back to this site. Some of you may have noticed that I have been on hiatus for a while here. And others may have noticed that I haven’t actually been on hiatus at all, because I have been busy making YouTube videos on the same subjects I usually write about here. Well I do have much more writing to do so let’s get back to business. And if you need an Update on what I have been up to start by following the link to this video and that should give a very good idea of what I have been doing during the pandemic, in Tbilisi Georgia and on my YouTube channels.

Now the point of this particular post is to inform my readers about a video series called How We Got Here that I have been doing over at The Anadromist channel. And it is exactly the kind of thing I might write here, but much longer.

I have over the years realized the lack of historical understanding of the recent historical events and cultural changes that have occurred since World War Two. We tend to focus on the present as though it was isolated in time. And yet it has always been my contention that without understanding How We Got Here our understanding of where we are has to be woefully deficient. And so I have been working on a series of videos that try to give background to the strange mess we find ourselves in, at least in the West. But certainly beyond as well.

Now I’m not saying that I have some sort of omniscient sense of history, yet I can say I have been wrestling with these things for at least 40 years. Thus even if what I say is mistaken in emphasis it is probably worth hearing to get your own engine running and to inspire your own excavations.

Below are a list of links to the episodes extant as of this writing… But as with my Time series I will eventually add all of them to this page.

Meanwhile coming up very soon? Some actual writing on music and travel.

Keep swimming against the stream.

And feel free to donate through PayPal (link below) to the cause to help me get my huge library across the world to join me here in Tbilisi.

Byrne Power

Tbilisi, Georgia

August 28th 2020

I am currently in Tbilisi, Georgia. Far from everything I have known, living the Anadromous Life on the edge.  And hey! You can support our work here and for The Anadromist channels by through in some coin at PayPal. Click THIS LINK HERE! And if you give $10 per month or more than $50 you’ll get audio lectures. Thanks!

And here are the links to How We Got Here…

The unrestricted version can be found in two parts at Odysee.com. Evidently the zone between 2011 & 2019 was too HOT for YouTube. How We Got Here #12 is a six hour monster at 6 hours! But if you are of appropriate age go watch it. You need this.

And everything I said about #12 is true for How We Got Here #13 the conclusion. 2020 Annus Horribilis!